Tanushree Biswas, la nostra amica e collaboratrice di Pune nonchè filosofa del gruppo, ha scritto l’aggiornamento che segue, ed è con piacere che noi lo pubblichiamo. Invitiamo anche voi ad inviarci suggerimenti sul concetto di equilibrio (Balance), tema del progetto 2009. Cos’è l’equilibrio secondo voi?
Prima però due notizie riguardo la situazione all’interno del gruppo. Gianni è KO probabilmente per via di un virus intestinale e Timira ha un piede fasciato a seguito di una botta accidentale (i raggi x dicono che un osso è scheggiato). Noi li aspettiamo in piena forma per i prossimi giorni di progetto.
Eccovi lo scritto di Tanu:
What is Balance?
If only we could tell.
An Earth out of Balance,
Untimely cyclonic clouds,
In an Indian winter sky.
What is it after all?
An objective search
for a subjective trauma.
Will we find it?
After all.
An Answer.
Or will we find it
In Body and Mind
Though not in words.
I am in the Goa Express (train no. 2776). Peter* kept his word and rode me here in the nick of time. The rains were setting in, it seemed. But its a cyclone actually, somewhere in Gujrat I heard. I am not sure. We are facing “side effects” I was told by my worried father, who I am guessing was playing it cool. The world is in crisis, we all know that.
The journey has been from Fantasy to Reality, somewhere in between them we stand. Always on the edge. Balancing our acts, as smooth as possible. Pretending to understand the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of our movements.
Perhaps, in our Movement lies the answer, or perhaps in capturing those Movements and documenting memories we could well reflect on what has passed us.
Serene and surreal; the clouds fog our visions and the Sun has yet to resolve its conflict with the horizons of Goa.
So far…
‘Sereno e seren sarà se non sara sereno…sara’
* The Tanzanian-Indian owner of the residence ‘Boons Ark, Vagator’ where the team dwells now.